Should you hire an agent or sell your house on your own?

The foundation of all our relationships at Reiffer Homes is built on trust. We encourage you to explore your selling options, making the decision that works best for your situation. We offer a few basic comparisons below about what to expect when selling your house on your own versus working with a dedicated real estate agent.

Reiffer Homes

  • Time To Sell: Usually in just a few weeks!

  • Typical Sales Price: Working with a real estate agent will get you about a 13% higher sales price on average, paying for the commission and then some!

  • Marketing Costs: There are no additional marketing costs – we handle everything

  • Types of Marketing Included: We do it all for you. We will provide online ads, signage, print materials, an open house, and anything else needed in order to sell your house.

  • Time Commitment from You: As little as possible. We make things convenient so you can focus on other things.

  • Fees / Commissions: Only a standard commission.

  • Legal / Contract / Advice: We handle all legalities of the sale including the sales documents and escrow process.


Discount Brokerages

  • Time To Sell: Varies based on experience and level of service provided

  • Typical Sales Price: This also varies depending on negotiation services available.

  • Marketing Costs: You will typically foot the bill on anything outside of a traditional listing.

  • Types of Marketing Included: Just the MLS listing.

  • Time Commitment from You: You will usually be responsible for much of the work that goes into a sale.

  • Fees / Commissions: A flat-fee for basic service.

  • Legal / Contract / Advice: Not typically included.


For Sale by Owner

  • Time To Sell: Using a FSBO listing can add 20+ days to the process.

  • Typical Sales Price: A FSBO will sell for about 13% less than a listing with an experienced agent

  • Marketing Costs: You will likely spend thousands in online ads, yard signage, print materials, and staging.

  • Types of Marketing Included: You will need to determine the most cost-effective marketing techniques for your house.

  • Time Commitment from You: You will spend several hours per week marketing the house, answering questions, showing the house, etc.

  • Fees / Commissions: Marketing costs, legal costs, listing costs, etc.

  • Legal / Contract / Advice: It will be up to you to make sure the process happens legally and efficiently.